Monday, 25 January 2010


Over the years, the celebrations for Robbie Burns have grown and now, all over the world, the 25th January is celebrated in style as a tribute to "The Immortal Baird".


It is only fitting that this evening of celebration should include a piper as Burns wrote several tunes that have been adapted to the pipes and are played on that very evening.


The start of the evening usually finds the piper playing as the guests arrive and then playing a call to dinner. The top table is usually piped in after all the other guests are in place.

The Selkirk Grace is now recited and this sets the tone for the rest of the evening.

No Burns night would be complete without the haggis being piped in and the address to the haggis being read, followed by drinking a toast to it. The piper will play a tune by Burns called "A mans a man for all that" and will lead the haggis in followed by the toast master and three glasses on whisky. After the address, the glasses are handed to the piper, the chef and the toast master and along with the rest of the gathering, toast the haggis in style.


The haggis is served with tatties and neeps (mashed potato and mashed swede) after the first course which usually consists of Cockaleekie soup. There are other starters, of course, all with a history of Scotland behind them.  

After the main course is finished, the piper is usually called upon to play for a while. It is here that the melodies of Scotland thrill the guests and allows the piper to play those tunes that people want to hear.


The last thing, before the guests depart is the singing of "Auld Land Syne", written by Burns. With the piper leading, the sound of many voices singing this very moving song echoes throughout the night.

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